The Ministry of Social Protection of Buryatia has determined the winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian competition of professional skills in the field of social services in 2021.
The emphasis has been shifted to encouraging specialists and institutions that use social technologies, introduce new approaches that change the quality of life of citizens.
The principle of evaluating the submitted applications has also changed. If previously the professional skill of the nominees, their creative approach to the performance of functional duties were assessed, now the regional competition commissions had to evaluate new approaches in the work of specialists and their results, changes in the lives of citizens receiving social services, the possibility of replicating social practices.
Prizewinners and winners of the regional competition of the All-Russian competition of professional skills in the field of social services 2021 in the Stability and Quality nomination (the best organization providing social services in a stationary form were:
1st place — State budgetary institution of social services of the Republic of Buryatia «Orphanage-boarding school for children with serious intellectual disabilities «Zhuravushka», director Rogacheva Marina.
II place — State budgetary institution of social services of the Republic of Buryatia «Center for helping children left without parental care «Raduga», director Pobokova Maya.
III place — State budgetary institution of social services of the Republic of Buryatia «Center for helping children left without parental care «Malyshok», director Vasilyeva Seseg.
The collectives of the institutions convey their deep gratitude to all of you for your participation in the lives of our children. This is our common merit in achieving high results!
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