Special children live and are brought up in the boarding school «Zhuravushka» in Ulan-Ude. Fortunately, they manage to find families.
- A special child is a child with special needs, care and approach, but despite their own diseases. Yes, they are a little different, but still children with the same needs for love, care and family. Every child needs a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn and be happy, — said the head of the institution Marina Rogacheva.
According to her, since 2017, thanks to the fruitful work of specialists from the orphanage, three children have been returned to their families. 18 children were transferred to foster families, of which three go for adoption. All children live happily and are brought up in foster families and families.
- In the new academic year 2021-2022, four children from these families, wearing school uniforms, lace aprons and large white bows, went to school for the first time. Now they habitually attend lessons, communicate with their peers, and every day brings them joy, new knowledge, emotions, and sometimes difficulties that they learn to overcome. Three of the children handed over to the families have reached adulthood and it is very important to note that the foster family continues to be with them, Oksana Bogatyryova, deputy director of «Zhuravushka», shared the children’s successes.
- In fact, children with special needs are stronger than we think. They fight battles that most people will never know about. Their life is daily work on themselves, and such seemingly simple everyday things as dressing, cleaning, mastering simple educational material and even eating and much more are also their huge work. And thanks to the foster family, this work was shared with them by the family, which adopted the children with all their peculiarities and difficulties, — noted the specialist in social work Seseg Tsyrenova.
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